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Hermien Elgersma


Hermien Elgersma has worked as a researcher at Accare since 2010.


Hermien Elgersma is chair of the nutrition disorders, eating disorders & obesity knowledge area at Accare. At the heart of this knowledge area is the academic working group: a collaboration between researchers at the University and Accare therapists. 

Hermien works as scientist practitioner. She obtained her PhD in cognitive risk factors for the recurrence of depression.  In addition to international publications, she has also published chapters as co-author in Dutch manuals and she is co-editor of an online module in 99gram and the blended treatment programme SMAAKK!

She is currently coordinating research within Accare into group schema therapy for adolescents. She also works on research in the domain of eating disorders and in clinical practice as a clinical psychologist, Dutch Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (VGCt) supervisor and schema therapy supervisor. She chairs the national Eating Disorders/Obesity sector of the Dutch Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies (VGCt), is member of the national steering group K-EET and is a board member of the Dutch Academy for Eating Disorders.