How do young people with an eating disorders answer the questions in the ChEDE interview?
The ChEDE interview is performed in order to identify problems with eating and establish whether an eating disorder is evident. Since the questions and their formulation recently have changed, we want to explore how Dutch-speaking young people with an eating disorder answer the questions in this interview.
ChEDE stands for the children’s version of the Eating Disorder Examination. This interview is conducted as standard with children and young people who may have an eating disorder. We have updated this interview from version 12 to version 17, in accordance with the most recent version for adults in English. This means that the interview can soon be used to establish DSM-5 classifications in the field of eating disorders in children and young people.
The research study
We are keen to find out how Dutch-speaking young people with an eating disorders answer the questions in this interview, on average. For example, we can use this data to create norm groups, which are average scores that help figure out what is important for the interpretation of the severity of the complaints. It will also increase the utility of the interview as a diagnostic instrument.
We conduct the ChEDE interview as standard, in the context of diagnostic testing. We ask young people and their parents for permission to use this information for scientific research.
This research study is a collaboration with the University of Gent in Belgium.
All of our research studies on nutrition and eating disorders involve collaboration with the Department of Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychopathology at the University of Groningen. This takes place within the academic research group on nutrition disorders, eating disorders & obesity.