Meaning-centered psychotherapy for eating disorders
The effectiveness of meaning-centered psychotherapy in adolescents with an eating disorder
In this study we examine whether adolescents with an eating disorder find their lives meaningful and whether treatment is effective in increasing their life meaning.
This study explores whether meaning-centered psychotherapy is effective in increasing meaning in life in adolescents with an eating disorder. We also examine whether meaning-centered psychotherapy is effective in reducing eating disorder symptoms. The aim is to improve the future treatment of eating disorders.
The research study
If you participate in the study, you will follow six sessions of meaning-centered psychotherapy, next to your normal treatment. These sessions last one hour. During the sessions you and your therapist will reflect together on what is important to you in life, what gives your life meaning. You will also explore how your eating disorder symptoms affect this. The first two sessions will take place at Accare, the final four sessions will take place online. During the study, you will complete a short questionnaire via your telephone twice a week (of 3 minutes). Furthermore, you will complete a longer questionnaire (of 20 minutes) four times in total. It is important to know that your normal treatment will continue during the study. After you have completed the study you will receive a Bol.com gift card (€15).