Talking about emotions and anorexia
What is the role of emotions in the development and continuation of anorexia nervosa?
In this study we investigate which emotions girls with anorexia experience to gain more insight into the role of these emotions in the development and course of the disease.
Who can participate?
Girls between 12 and 19 years with anorexia nervosa
Who receive treatment for this disease
In this research study we would like to gain more insight into the role of emotions in anorexia. What emotions are experienced by girls who have anorexia? And what influence do these emotions have on the development and continuation of eating problems? We think that certain emotions, such as disgust, can play an important role in this. With the insights gained from this study, we hope to ultimately improve the treatment of anorexia.
The research study
The study consists of one interview of approximately one hour at a time and location of your choice. The questions will be about your experiences with anorexia nervosa: your symptoms, the treatments you have received, and the emotions you experience in relation to your eating problems. We will specifically discuss certain emotions, such as disgust.
This research is conducted at the University of Groningen, Faculty of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Department of Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychopathology. It is done within the framework of the Academic workplace nutritional disorders, eating disorders and obesity.