Marleen Wildschut
Marleen Wildschut is a researcher and Clinical Psychologist at Accare.
Marleen is a clinical psychologist and works for Accare in the adolescent department of Intensive Care. In addition to her work as a clinical psychologist, she also works as a senior researcher. As a senior researcher, she is part of the DREAMS (Dutch Research in Child and Adolescent Mental Health) Consortium. DREAMS was set up by four academic child and adolescent psychiatry centers in the Netherlands: Accare (UMCG), LUMC Curium, Karakter (Radboudumc) and Levvel (Amsterdam UMC), with the aim of improving care and research within child and adolescent psychiatry. In addition, Marleen conducts research within the adolescent department into admitted adolescents with serious behavioral problems. As a clinical psychologist and researcher, Marleen specializes in the field of trauma, neglect, trauma-related disorders and personality disorders.