A clear view on obesity
Which factors play a role in the successful treatment of obesity?
The purpose of this research study is to gain better insight into our target group, treatment outcomes and factors related to prematurely ending treatment - or even failing to start any treatment.
By collecting more information about obesity treatments within Accare, we hope to influence treatment in a positive way. This will enable us to get a clearer view on the target group of young people with obesity who come to Accare. In our view, it is important to have better understanding of the factors that play a role in whether or not treatment is started, or in treatment ending prematurely. In addition, we are keen to have greater insight into treatment outcomes.
The research study
Practitioners completed questionnaires in the course of this research study. The young person being treated is not asked to do anything. We only collect anonymous data.
Questions we answered during this research study: which and how many clients are registered with Accare with obesity? How many clients complete their treatment in full? What factors are associated with prematurely ending treatment for obesity? And what are the outcomes of the treatment?
The results
Based on the outcomes of this study a fact sheet was created for Accare practitioners. This provides insight into which and how many young people with obesity are referred to Accare and by whom they are referred, how many young people complete their treatment and what the results of the treatment are.
All of our research studies on nutrition and eating disorders involve collaboration with the Department of Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychopathology at the University of Groningen. This takes place within the academic research group on nutrition disorders, eating disorders & obesity.