Online chat under a microscope
chat methodology 99gram.nl
To improve our way of online chatting at 99gram.nl we compare two different chat methods on their effectiveness.
Who can participate?
Everyone until 23 years old who participates in an online chat at 99gram.nl
In this study we are interested to find out which chat method is perceived as the most helpful by adolescents. We investigate this by comparing experiences of adolescents using two different methods.
The research study
The study entails a brief questionnaire that is administered before and after the chat session. The questionnaire before the chat is assessing the extent to which the adolescent is concerned about the chat topic. The questions after the chat assess how they experience the chat and whether they know what to do next.
All of our research studies on nutrition and eating disorders involve collaboration with the Department of Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychopathology at the University of Groningen. This takes place within the academic research group on nutrition disorders, eating disorders & obesity.