Most children with ADHD tend to be more active in the classroom and often find it more challenging to concentrate. In the PAINT-Move study, we therefore investigate whether cycling in the classroom helps children with ADHD at school.
What is the goal of the study?
In the PAINT-Move study, we examine whether physical activity during schoolwork is beneficial for children with ADHD. We do this by providing the children with a desk bike for six weeks. We want to see what effect this has on the child's concentration, academic performance, motivation, and self-image regarding school.
How is the study structured?
When a parent registers a child with ADHD, we first administer a questionnaire to the parent and teacher to determine if the child can participate. If the child is eligible, we visit the school. During this visit, we conduct several tasks with the child and administer some questionnaires, which takes a maximum of one hour. Parents and teachers also complete a series of questionnaires. Following this, the child uses the desk bike for six weeks. After six weeks, we return to perform the tasks and questionnaires again with the child.
We aim to compare a group of children with a desk bike to a group without one. Therefore, we randomly assign who will receive the desk bike immediately and who will receive it after six weeks after the initial measurement. This way, we have one group that has a pre-test and post-test with the bike in between, and another group that does not use it, allowing us to compare the two groups. Ultimately, all children will use the desk bike for six weeks; only half of them will wait the first six weeks.
How far along is the study?
The study has been approved, and since May 2024, the first children have begun using a desk bike in the classroom.