Psychosocial ADHD and Behavior INTerventions
PAINT is the overarching name for the studies conducted within a consortium funded by, among others, ZonMw and the training institute PPO. Within the PAINT studies, a large number of Dutch/Flemish research institutions, practical institutions, and knowledge networks collaborate with the aim of improving care for children with behavioral problems (including ADHD).
PAINT stands for Psychosocial ADHD and Behavioral Problems Interventions and is the overarching name for the research conducted by the PAINT group since 2017. The goal of PAINT is to improve care for children with behavioral problems. By behavioral problems, we mean behaviors such as hyperactive or impulsive behavior, tantrums, not listening, aggressive behavior, or attention problems.
As a research group, we collaborate with the parent association Balans and various practical and research institutions. In the various projects, teachers and care professionals from education, parents, therapists from mental health institutions, municipal employees, district teams, Youth and Family Centers, and general practice support staff are involved. The PAINT Parent Advisory Council advises us from the perspective of lived experience.
What do we study?
Behavioral problems such as hyperactive, defiant, inattentive or impulsive behavior are frequent in children and adolescents. Behavioral problems are often accompanied by problems at home, school, and in social functioning.
To improve the care of children with behavioral problems, we are conducting research in
various subprojects, with the following themes and research questions:
- What does the current care for children with behavioral problems look like in the Netherlands?
- Are brief behavioral therapies for teachers and parents effective?
- Tailored care: which intervention works best for whom?
- Cost-effectiveness: how is the balance between the effectiveness and the costs of interventions?
Partial studies
In PAINT-P we investigate which parts of parent training have an effect on parents of children with ADHD or ADHD symptoms.
Is brief teacher training effective in reducing behavior problems in elementary school children?
The purpose of this research study is to gain better understanding of parents’ reasons for choosing a specific treatment.
In the PAINT-kennisverspreiding project, we collaborate with the parent interest association Balans to disseminate knowledge about effective treatments for...
In the PAINT-IPDMA project, we are combining data from many different studies to thoroughly investigate why and for whom treatments work best
In the PAINT-Move study, we therefore investigate whether cycling in the classroom helps children with ADHD at school.
Parent training is effective in reducing ADHD and behavioral problems. But which elements of parent training are the most effective, and why? This is what we...
Planning of Schoolwork (PLOS)
This study examines the effectiveness of PLOS.
In addition to the researchers from Accare, Saskia van der Oord from KU Leuven, Marjolein Luman, Anouck Staff and Emmy van Boven from VU University Amsterdam, Bianca Boyer from Leiden University, Francesca Bentivegna from the UMC Groningen, Patty Leijten from the University of Amsterdam and Angela Kalisingh and Julia Biesters from Levvel are also involved in the PAINT consortium.