We know that parent training is effective in reducing ADHD and behavioral problems. But which elements of parent training are the most effective, and why? This is what we are investigating in the PAINT-M study.
What is the goal of the study?
In the PAINT-M study (the “M” stands for “mechanisms”), we investigate how parent training works. We know which elements of parent training are effective in reducing behavioral problems (such as antecedent and consequent techniques, see the PAINT-P Microtrial and PAINT-T Microtrial). However, we do not yet understand exactly how these elements work so effectively.
The underlying idea behind parent training is that the child's behavior changes due to changes in the behavior, thoughts, and emotions of the parents. But it is unclear whether this is actually the case: do parents change before the child does? And what about the order of changes in parents? Do their thoughts change first? Or their emotions? Or their parenting behavior? In other words, the precise working mechanism of parent training remains unknown.
Therefore, in this study, we are looking at the effective mechanisms of parent training. We do this by examining the sequence of changes that occur in parents and children immediately after receiving the training. The ultimate goal of this research is to enhance the effectiveness of parent training. If we understand why parent training effectively reduces behavioral problems, we can use it more specifically in the future, thereby better supporting families.
How is the study structured?
To investigate the mechanisms of parent training, we offer the parents of twelve children one parent training session lasting three hours, consisting of the most effective elements. We closely monitor the parents before and after the training and measure what changes occur in the behavior, thoughts, and emotions of the parents, as well as in the behavior of the child. With this information, we can analyze in detail how changes influence each other and understand why parent training is effective.
How far along is the study?
The research started in April 2024 and is expected to last approximately two years. The study is currently being prepared before families can participate.