In the PAINT-Wijkteam study, we are investigating what kind of support community care teams provide to parents of children with behavioral problems. Additionally, we investigate how we can best implement the brief parent training in community care teams, so it can be offered in the best possible way. Just like in PAINT-POH, the aim is to assist parents of children with behavioral problems at an early stage and in an accessible manner.
What is the goal of the study?
In the PAINT-Wijkteam study, we are exploring the support that parents of children with behavioral problems currently receive from community care teams. Following this, we will investigate the implementation of a brief parent training within these teams. The goal of the research is to help families with a child exhibiting behavioral problems as early as possible and in an accessible way.
How is the study structured?
To map out what support families can currently receive from community care teams when a child is experiencing behavioral problems, we will administer a questionnaire. We will conduct this assessment with as many community care teams across the Netherlands as possible, including Centers for Youth and Family, Parent and Child Teams, and Youth Teams. Once we have more information about the support currently provided, we will conduct research on implementing a brief parent training within community care teams.
How far along is the study?
Data for the questionnaire-study are (almost) all collected, and will be analyzed soon. The study on the implementation of the brief parent training is in preparation.