In the PAINT-POH study, we are investigating the effectiveness of the brief parent training in general practice settings. In this study, the intervention is offered by the child and youth mental health care practice assistants (POH-jeugd). Our aim is to make the parent training easily accessible for parents and to provide early support.
What is the goal of the study?
In the PAINT-POH study, we are examining how well the brief parent training works when offered in general practices by the child and youth mental health care practice assistants (POH-jeugd).
How is the study structured?
Parents participating in the study will be randomly assigned to one of two groups. One group of parents will receive the brief training immediately, while another group will follow the training after an eight-week wait. We will measure the families' progress at multiple time points in both groups.
How far along is the study?
We started the study in November 2023. Parents can receive the brief training in various general practices until September 2025.
Families can participate in the study if:
• The child is between 2 and 11 years old.
• The child lives in the same household at least four days a week during all weeks in which the PAINT intervention takes place.
• Parents recognize at least four behavioral problems from the behavior list (the researchers will administer this questionnaire to parents; examples include "disobedience," "getting angry quickly and often," "cursing," "hitting/squeezing/kicking").
• The child is not taking medication for behavioral problems.
• The child does not have a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (in the PAINT-POH study, we do not conduct diagnostic assessments for this).
• The child does not have a diagnosed IQ score of 70 or lower (if the IQ score is not known, it does not need to be measured, and parents can still participate in the study).
• Parents have not participated in a parent training for their child's behavioral problems in the last year.
• There are no circumstances that would make it difficult or impossible to follow the training, such as a move or divorce.